I'm also bored, frustrated, and ready to quit. Let's just be honest.
I am taking heart that as of 11/26 last year, I had only just crossed the 30K mark. So if I can pull off 10,000 words between now and Tuesday, at least I'll be in the same place. I still believe I can do it, though I'm woefully behind.
But honestly? Today I realized that my story, as it is, quite simply... sucks. If I'm taking anything away from NaNoWriMo this year, it's that there's a reason they say to start with a completely new story. I think basing my novel on something that previously existed has lifted my expectations way too high. "This is great!" I thought. "By the time I'm done, I'll have this beautiful touching story that will be ready for the world with a little revision."
Um. Nope. :) But it's pretty humbling actually.
On the ride home from work, I had a few plot epiphanies (mostly that... um... I still don't have a plot, but 20,000 words of aimless slush?) but at this point, I'm not sure how to make my ideas work without starting over. But hey, the Inner Editor just needs to shut up and let me plunge forward, right?
So! Enough whining... I have a few goals for tonight's session:
- Get to the halfway point, or at least as close as possible. 4,000 words is a lot to do in one night, but it's possible. It's a Friday. Who needs sleep? :)
- Switch to third person. I'm finding that first person perspective just isn't my thing. It's so restrictive, my character has lost his quirky voice and just has a bad case of Bella Syndrome.* Perhaps if I just write outside his head, maybe the story and the whole cast can breathe.
- Just take the new plot, jump in, and roll with it. I may write a separate post about the new story concept.
- Have fun! Try to find the joy in the writing again. Lately, sitting down to write has felt like drudgery, and that's not what NaNoWriMo is about!
Also... a hearty congrats to my new NaNo friend Emily who has completed her first ever NaNo marathon! She finished her 50,000 words on the 15th. I hate her. :D (No, not really. Congrats! You're inspiring me.)
* Bella Syndrome - when a story is told in first person by a character so self-centered, angsty, whiny, and needy (like the author of this blog?) that the protagonist one is supposed to love becomes a person one wants to punch in the face. I don't need to tell you who Bella is, right?
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